Thanks for wandering over....

I'm glad you're here! This place is pretty darn fun. There are tips and tricks, stories and articles, and the occasional funny cat photo.

Even though cute kitties are awesome (duh), what's even better is that every once in a while, I plan on hosting a give-away for my shop! Yep, FREE STUFF! Something to do with my Etsy site, coupons, or something really cool that I feel like passing on. So stop by every once in a while, see what's going on, post a comment, let me know how your day is going, why your little brother annoyed you today... whatever you feel like. I hope to make this a fun place to be, read jokes, look at funny pictures, whatever makes you smile. :) So please do follow the blog!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Thank goodness. I FINALLY posted some new designs to my Etsy shop! I just posted these Save the Date stickers and added Table Number Cards to match all my designs. Menu cards coming next week... If you'd like to see the new stuff I added, click the My Etsy Shop link to the right. Thank ya :)

So meeting my goal of posting some new designs this weekend has given me some inspiration. I would love to host a GIVE-AWAY, right here on my blog! You know, free stuff? The only problem is, I'm not sure what to give away. Should I give away something wedding-related, like a set of Save the Dates? A coupon for my Etsy merchandise? Should I make a set of greeting cards for the holidays to give away? I'm pretty stumped. Any ideas? Even if you don't plan on participating, I always love free advice :) Please leave a comment if you've got any ideas.

Whelp, thanks for reading. Now... bike ride time.
