Thanks for wandering over....

I'm glad you're here! This place is pretty darn fun. There are tips and tricks, stories and articles, and the occasional funny cat photo.

Even though cute kitties are awesome (duh), what's even better is that every once in a while, I plan on hosting a give-away for my shop! Yep, FREE STUFF! Something to do with my Etsy site, coupons, or something really cool that I feel like passing on. So stop by every once in a while, see what's going on, post a comment, let me know how your day is going, why your little brother annoyed you today... whatever you feel like. I hope to make this a fun place to be, read jokes, look at funny pictures, whatever makes you smile. :) So please do follow the blog!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Good stuff.

This is the only good part about my drive to work. Granted, I was a bigger fan of driving to work when it was actually sunny, but this will do. I do like pink! I drive roughly 40 minutes to work 5 days a week. And let me tell you... 8:00am comes pretty early when you have that far of a drive. It takes all that I have to stay awake. I actually had to smack myself a few times this week to keep from closing my eyes... scary? Yes.

So I titled this post "Good stuff." I suppose that means I have to write about more than 1 good thing on here... hmm... well I got to watch my boyfriend's band tonight! The Steve Cipriano Band always puts on a good show. And tomorrow morning, my boyfriend and I are going thrifting for his Halloween costume. Yes, there will be pictures :)

Last, but not least, my best friend's Halloween party is tomorrow night. The moment I've been waiting for... to reveal the costume I've been dying to do for about a year now. Oh no, I'm not telling what it is yet. You'll just have to come back for pictures this weekend....

Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day... thrifting, oil change, haircut, party... What about you? What are you up to this weekend?
