Thanks for wandering over....

I'm glad you're here! This place is pretty darn fun. There are tips and tricks, stories and articles, and the occasional funny cat photo.

Even though cute kitties are awesome (duh), what's even better is that every once in a while, I plan on hosting a give-away for my shop! Yep, FREE STUFF! Something to do with my Etsy site, coupons, or something really cool that I feel like passing on. So stop by every once in a while, see what's going on, post a comment, let me know how your day is going, why your little brother annoyed you today... whatever you feel like. I hope to make this a fun place to be, read jokes, look at funny pictures, whatever makes you smile. :) So please do follow the blog!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


No doubt, this past week could have won "Craziest Week of the Year" award. "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!" For sure. Weird dreams.... have you had one lately?

First of all, I got my week off to a bad start. Ever have one of those dreams that is so crazy and out there, and doesn't make any sense at all until you wake up and really think about it? That's pretty much what happened to me. The dream: I was on a boat with some friends on some unknown lake. Out of nowhere, the weather starts to get bad and the waves get really high. All of a sudden, I fall off the boat and into the water just as this huge wave comes. I fall right into the wave and start to sink. After going under, I immediately start to swim upward, trying to get to the surface. But no matter how hard I try, or how far I think I go, there's no end in sight. I can't see the light, I can't see the boat, just the water around me. Yet, somehow, I managed to gulp in enough air before I go under to breathe underwater for a while (impossible, I know, but hey this is MY dream!). Somehow, even though it seems hopeless, I'm able to breathe through it all. Then, I woke up.

I didn't figure out until I got to work later what the dream really meant. So here's my interpretation: Even though I'm generally happy with my friends, I've got all these outside forces causing stress and pressure around me. I get thrown into the middle of this storm, and I've got so much going on (freelancing, getting my business up and running, helping out with youth group, keeping up with chores at home, friends and family, etc.) that I feel like I'm drowning in it all. It seems like I'll never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every time I think I'm getting somewhere or check something off my list, something else comes up. I can't relax. I have to keep moving like the Energizer Bunny. Yet, somehow, through all of this, I am able to breathe. I can definitely credit that last part to God :)

Unfortunately, this past crazy week didn't give me the time I wanted to post some thank-yous to my Etsy shop this weekend. Boo :( So that'll be my goal for next week. I'd like to let people know what they're getting for my upcoming GIVE-AWAY! Of course, nothing is laid down in stone yet since it's been kind of hectic, but I hope to have this contest going within the next couple weeks. I have decided that I'd like to give people the option for me to do a custom design for them if they don't want any designs from my shop. So in a nutshell, 50 THANK-YOU CARDS, FOR FREE! If you win :)

So, that's pretty much it. Stay tuned for contest updates. And while you're here, what's a weird/crazy dream you've had lately? Did it have any meaning to you? Post your responses. Until then, see ya!
