Thanks for wandering over....

I'm glad you're here! This place is pretty darn fun. There are tips and tricks, stories and articles, and the occasional funny cat photo.

Even though cute kitties are awesome (duh), what's even better is that every once in a while, I plan on hosting a give-away for my shop! Yep, FREE STUFF! Something to do with my Etsy site, coupons, or something really cool that I feel like passing on. So stop by every once in a while, see what's going on, post a comment, let me know how your day is going, why your little brother annoyed you today... whatever you feel like. I hope to make this a fun place to be, read jokes, look at funny pictures, whatever makes you smile. :) So please do follow the blog!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What did YOU expect to see?

Image captured from

If you're a Mac user (if you're not.....why?), chances are you saw this image on Apple's home page today. And, chances are, you also saw the ads they've been showing for the past several days saying things to the effect of "Something really awesome is coming!" Teasing us all, making us think Apple has done it again with its majestic creative abilities, creating yet another state-of-the-art piece of technological genius. So when I saw the revealing of this huge, amazing, super-fantastic, blow-your mind! thing, a little part of me died inside.

Now don't get me wrong, the Beatles are REALLY awesome! While definitely not among my favorites, I do listen to them from time to time. And I hear their albums have been digitally remastered to sound better than ever! But this, this grand surprise, is not exactly what I had in mind. What about a new iPod that can scan your brain and tell what type of mood you're in and play your music accordingly? What about a "smart" phone that cuts down on radioactive wave transfer to humans? Now THOSE would be cool, innovative, Applesque inventions. But offering the Beatles music on iTunes is "pretty cool," at best.

But you know, I've got to hand it to you Apple. Time and time again, you have wowed us with your advertising, winning awards left and right. Lucky for you, this will probably make it up there. Because right now, millions of people are watching, Tweeting, blogging, and Facebooking the same thing I'm saying right now. And what is that, class? Word of mouth. Viral advertising. More importantly, FREE advertising. Yes, Apple, you have done it yet again. Congratulations. Oh and by the way, how much am I getting paid for this little shpeal?

So if you happened to be following this whole thing, what were YOU expecting to see today? Comment and share your thoughts! Click the time at the bottom of this post if the comment box isn't showing. Or, reTweet it, "like" it, "dislike" it, whateva. Thanks!
